Join Us for worshiP Sundays at 10 AM!
We are an intergenerational church, made up of children and young people and adults up to their 90's. We aim to be friendly and active, but we aren't perfect. We all have flaws and failings, but we have found salvation, hope and joy in the person of Jesus. Each Sunday we gather at 10 and all are welcome. We’d love to have you join us!
Families, Children and youth
Children are a gift from God. Jesus welcomed and blessed children during his earthly ministry, and we are committed to working with families to help children know the love of Jesus, and follow Him. Sunday School classes for children and our Youth Group are meeting and we also have nursery available during our service.
If you would like more information or would like to join us, click the button below:
STudies & small groups
Each season, we have various studies and small groups meeting for fellowship and study of the Bible and its meaning for our lives. Interested in attending, or in finding out more? Click below to contact us!
join us for dinner!
Our Community Dinner serves a warm meal and a warm welcome to any of our neighbors who would like to join us. We’d love to have you join us!
Click the button below to find out more about this ministry of the church.
Subscribe to our newsletter
Our newsletter will keep you updated on everything going on in the life of our church. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe below!
To make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, click the link and follow the simple instructions! For enhanced security, you’ll verify your identity with your cell phone number.
Join Us for Worship this weekend!
Services Sundays at 10 AM
We are an active, intergenerational church, meeting in the center of Maine’s capitol city, and seeking together To Know Christ and Make Him Known.
Find us at:
393 Water St, Augusta, ME
(207) 622-6401