Children are a gift from God.

Jesus welcomed and blessed children during his earthly ministry, and we are committed to working together to help our children know the love of Jesus, and follow Him with a whole heart, soul and strength.


During our service we nursery care is available for children from 3 months to 3 years old.

Children's Church

Children join us for the first half of our 10 AM  Sunday worship service. We are an intergenerational church, and value having the youngest members of the body participate and be included in our worship gathering. Sermon Sacks are available, with activities to help our young ones during the time they are in the service.

Right before the sermon, children in preschool through 2nd grade are dismissed for Children's Church. Parents can pick them up there after the service is over.

Safe Church Plan

We are committed to doing all we can to ensure the safety of the children and youth in our care. Our Christian Education Board has developed a Safe Church Plan for protecting children and youth, which involves a three-part approach to these issues: Screening of all child workers, adequate Supervision of all children and volunteers, and immediate Response and Reporting of any reports of abuse to the proper civic and church authorities.

Click here to view Penney Memorial's full Safe Church Plan.

Children and Youth Sunday School

NOTE: there is no Children's Sunday School in the Summer

Our Sunday School program provides a safe, caring environment for children to learn about the Bible and the Good News of Jesus. Sunday School runs from September through June, from 8:45 - 9:45 on Sunday mornings.

Sunday School for ages 4 years to 2nd Grade

  • When: Sunday mornings at 8:45, beginning 9/15

  • Where: Downstairs in the Children's Wing

  • What: This year we will be focusing on the New Testament using the Explore the Bible Curriculum and working on memorizing different scripture passages.

  • Who: Contact Danielle Ware for more info or for how you can be involved in helping with children's Sunday School.

Sunday School for 3rd - 6th Grade

  • When: Sunday mornings at 8:45, beginning 9/15

  • Where: Downstairs in the Children's Wing

  • What: This year we will be focusing on the New Testament using the Explore the Bible Curriculum and working on memorizing different scripture passages.

  • Who: Contact Danielle Ware for more info or for how you can be involved in helping with children's Sunday School.

Youth Group for 7th - 12th Grade

  • When: Every other Saturday Night, 5:30 - 7 pm

  • Where: Downstairs in the Youth Room

  • What: We are kicking off a new youth group this fall - with meetings for study, fellowship and prayer.

  • Who: Contact Danielle Ware for more info or for how you can help with this class.