Sunday, September 6th, 2020

God Gathers Us

Call to Worship - Psalm 119:41-43

To be read aloud by someone in your home:

May your unfailing love come to me, Lord,
    your salvation, according to your promise;
then I can answer anyone who taunts me,
    for I trust in your word.
Never take your word of truth from my mouth,
    for I have put my hope in your laws.

Opening Prayer

  • As you come to worship this morning, let’s learn and be lead in by the Psalmist. Take a few moments to notice: what characteristics of God the Psalmist is focused on? And what is the Psalmist seeking from God?

  • Now take some time to pray, and as you do, seek the Lord, giving Him glory but also seeking that He would reveal Himself to you and bless you during this time.

God Saves Us

Congregational Singing

  • We encourage you to sing - make a joyful noise! If you play an instrument, play! If you have some favorite hymns or choruses, pick one or two and sing! Or make use of other technology to play some music, and listen and sing along.

  • Below are some hymns you can make use of if these would be a help to you.


During this time when we can't gather on Sundays, we can still receive your offerings a couple of ways:

  • You can drop your offering in the locked mailbox outside the church office entrance

  • Or, you can mail them to the church at 393 Water Street, Augusta ME 04330.

Thank you for your continued support of Penney and its ministries!

Scripture Reading - John 6:41 - 69

Sermon: Why Jesus Offends